During Spring registration, each parent/guardian chooses either Rec or Rec Gold division for their individual player, to be placed on a Spring team for the season.
Recreational U5-U12, U14*: if your player/team just wants to have fun and play soccer with friends, or hasn’t played before, choose Recreational. This is where most players are for Spring; just have a fun time playing the game with friends in a less competitive environment.
Recreational GOLD U8-U14 is an advanced level of recreational Spring game play. There are no tryouts for Rec Gold, but the expectation is that players choosing Rec Gold want more of a challenge in Spring and are willing and ready to commit to a higher level for the whole Spring season. Practice locations may be further than expected.
Placement on a Rec Gold team is not guaranteed. Team counts will determine final player placement. Refunds will not be issued if players have to be placed on Rec teams after registration ends.
*U14 division may have to merge into one group if there are not enough teams to form Rec and Rec Gold tiers.