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About Chelsea OC

The Chelsea OC objectives and philosophies are simple:

  • To help each player grow physically, technically, tactically, intellectually and emotionally through his/her participation in competitive soccer.
  • To work with and develop each player and team to their full potential through measurement of their growth on the soccer field.
  • To help each player/team learn about and develop their character as people, athletes, and teams through the understanding of the four “D’s” of self-improvement:
    • Dedication
    • Discipline
    • Desire/Determination
    • Development
  • Through experiencing these principles and applying them in everything we do, one learns to overcome the difficult, adverse challenges that we may be faced with throughout our lives.
  • To build self-esteem and confidence through positive reinforcement, support and the understanding of how mistakes are a part of growing, learning, and developing. Through this, we develop the confidence and knowledge to achieve almost anything we commit ourselves to do.
  • To help all players achieve their personal goals, whether they are to be competitive at the Club, High School, Collegiate, or Professional level.
  • To instill upon all the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship. Winning is only a goal to strive for. Sometimes you achieve it, sometimes not. The process for achieving that goal is much more important – learning, growing, being stimulated or challenged and having fun. Those are the true rewards of participation.
  • To create passion and loyalty to the game of soccer, JUSA, and the Chelsea Soccer Club.
  • To provide “value” to all for the time, energy and financial resources committed.
  • To give back to the club, our community and to soccer, that which each has gained.

Chelsea OC Teams participate in:

  • SoCal Soccer's Fall Season
  • SoCal Soccer's State Cup
  • Tournaments from Local to Out of State
  • Scrimmages and Games in Yorba Linda
  • Friday Night Agility Training July - Aug
  • Friday Night Finishing and Footwork Training Sept - Nov
  • Friday Night Goalie Training 35 weeks a year

Interested in trying out for our teams 2008-2017?

Contact our Director of Program Development,

Interested in club? Looking for a team?

Please contact our Director of Coaches, Neil Hitchman

Contact Us

Office Hours:
Monday: 9am - 1pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 9am - 1pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 9am - 1pm

5100 E. La Palma Ave, Suite 115
Anaheim, CA 92807